
Great Customer Experience Starts At The Top In Any Company

What makes the BIG difference when it comes to creating a great customer experience?  I’ve worked with many senior management teams at leading brands and had a chance to “look under the covers” at how great brands create durable customer loyalty.

One of the leaders is a brand name we’re all familiar with – Nordstrom.  Compared to many other national brands, Nordstrom is relatively small with just over 100 stores in the U.S.  On the other hand, just about every American consumer knows the Nordstrom name.

The “secret sauce” to this isn’t size and scale.  What differentiates great brands from the pack boils down to the simple time tested principal of great management awareness and focus.  Well articulated customer focus is the leadership recipe that ripples down all the way to the in-store sales associates.

No one does this better than Nordstorm.  Watch this NRF (National Retail Federation) video interview with Erik Nordstrom and Fanya Chandler to see how a top brand does it:

With this kind of approach from the leadership team at Nordstrom, it’s no surprise they they rank at the top of the world’s most respected retail brands.